

Applications Welcome

Our admissions process guides families in discerning if Our Lady of Walsingham Academy is the right choice for their student. The process involves school visits, family interviews, and some opportunities for prospective families and students to experience the unique mission and character of Our Lady of Walsingham Academy. We encourage families to schedule a private tour and presentation. You can also arrange for your 8th grade student or potential transfer student to participate in a day of classes at the Academy.


Express Interest

We’re excited to welcome more students to Our Lady of Walsingham Academy. If you think your child might be a good candidate for enrollment, please contact the headmaster to make an appointment for an initial meeting.

Email: headmaster@olwclassical.org


  • Those interested in commencing the application process should contact the headmaster to make an appointment for an initial meeting.

  • Our headmaster will meet one-on-one with you and your student to get to know you and answer any questions that you may have.

  • Email headmaster@olwclassical.org

An Affordable Education

Tuition & Fees

Our Lady of Walsingham Academy is committed to offering an outstanding high school education at an affordable cost to families. Tuition for the 2024-25 academic year is $8,000 per student. Families with siblings at Our Lady of Walsingham Academy may receive a tuition discount. Payment plans are available.

Because tuition does not cover the full cost of an education at Our Lady of Walsingham Academy, families are expected to aid in our major fundraising efforts during the school year, including Online Giving Days and Our Lady’s Dowry Gala.

Financial Aid

Our Lady of Walsingham Academy is committed to an affordable education for all families who fit our mission. Through generous donations and careful stewardship from our board, we can offer financial aid to families who apply and qualify. The student application process and enrollment must be completed in full before being considered for tuition assistance. Families who want to be considered for Financial Aid should not delay in filing an application (available on request).



An ACE Scholarship provides partial tuition funding per year to families based on family size and income level.  See their Guidelines for more information.

A Parents Challenge Scholarship provides partial private school tuition funding per year for low-income families. See their Guidelines for more information.

First Step

The first step in qualifying for Finacial Aid is to register and apply through the FACTS Management System.


Placement Exam

All students are required to take a placement exam as part of the application and enrollment process. The exam is used as a diagnostic tool to ensure students are placed in the appropriate section of math or Latin, and to help identify areas of academic strengths and opportunities for growth. Content, timing, and procedure of the exam may be discussed with the headmaster (headmaster@olwclassical.org).

The placement exam covers:

• Verbal reasoning skills
• Grammar and writing skills
• Quantitive reasoning skills

Life at Our Lady of Walsingham

Mission, policies, procedures and expectations

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